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Cornerstone can provide the following consulting services prior to engaging in a design contract.

Site Assessment

​A Site Assessment includes desktop research to identify general development concerns on a specific tract of land. This includes brief analysis on general terrain and grading concerns, utility availability, zoning check, and floodplain identification concluding with a one-page executive summary.  Physical observation of the site is not generally included in this assessment but can be added if desired by the client. This is a high-level cost-effective analysis that identifies major concerns with development.

Feasibility Study

A Feasibility Study is a Site Assessment with more research and documentation provided at the conclusion.  If a sketch of desired site improvements is available, it will be the basis of assessment.  If one isn’t available, a site sketch will be generated for use during this assessment.  A list of site encumbrances found during a public record search of available utility atlas data, floodplain data, and zoning assessment data will be prepared.  Finally, an opinion of probable costs for correction of non-compliant items can be prepared.  The owner may have additional items to be considered as well.

Due Diligence Assistance

Due Diligence Assistance includes getting input from project stakeholders like the jurisdictional authorities, ownership group, and area property owners (if required).  During the due diligence period site alternatives may be considered for cost effectiveness. It may also include achieving additional goals like outlining permitting procedures and analyzing anticipated costs, perhaps considering likelihood of successful rezoning, and other owner requested actions prior to plan production.

Project Development

Activities carried out during the Project Development phase, include working closely with the ownership group and design team to analyze various parts of the project that are likely to have significant cost or time impacts on the overall project.  This phase is generally not tied to a specific time frame but happens at the request of the owner as different ideas are brought to bear on a given project.

Planning Assistance

Planning Assistance includes working with the owner and design team on strategies for the best outcome on a specific project.  It could include various in-person or virtual meetings with the intent of identifying the critical path and key timeframes for the best delivery outcome for the Ownership group.

Zoning Assistance

We can provide Zoning Assistance to the owner and design team that will aid in the successful change in jurisdictional zoning for a given project.  In some situations, this is a straightforward application with very little identified opposition.  In other cases, it can require assisting a Land Use Attorney on a variety of impacts to a given property.

Peer Review

Occasionally an owner or design team would like a second opinion on all, or portions, of the cost-effectiveness or buildability of a project.  A Peer Review includes reviewing the scope and planning documents, assessing the construction documents (plans, specifications, and estimates) then analyzing potential cost savings options, additional design or details needed, and finally preparing a report outlining these findings.

Site Assessment
Feasibility Study
Due Diligence Assistance
Project Development
Planning Assistance
Zoning Assistance
Peer Review
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